stripstream.algorithms.incremental package


stripstream.algorithms.incremental.incremental_planner module

stripstream.algorithms.incremental.incremental_planner.incremental_planner(problem, search=<function <lambda>>, max_time=inf, max_iterations=inf, max_calls=inf, waves=True, frequency=1, optimal=False, verbose=False, debug=False)[source]

Incremental algorithm.

  • problemSTRIPStreamProblem
  • search – python function of the search subroutine
  • max_time – numeric maximum planning time
  • max_iterations – int maximum subroutine calls
  • waves – boolean flag when True considers each stream evaluation iteration to be the current queue rather than a single stream
  • frequency – numeric number of evaluation iterations given by waves (float('inf') implies to evaluate all streams per iteration)
  • optimal – boolean flag which saves the best current solution
  • verbose – boolean flag which toggles the print output
  • debug – boolean flag which prints the objects on each iteration

a sequence of Action and tuple of Constant pairs as well as Universe

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